Christmas Markets & Gourmet Nut Butters
Oh how I love Christmas markets. From strolling the vendors with a warm cup of hot chocolate. To the unique finds, yummy food, and of course, the background Christmas music. I seem to fill up with even more 'holiday cheer' whenever I'm at one. Que the Christmas Carols "It's the most wonderful time of the year..."
Yesterday, marked a first for me. I decided to sell some of my nut butters @ a local market. The sale went splendidly, and it was wonderful to spend the day, side by side with my Grandma. She sold jalapeno jelly (seriously yummy), cloverleaf buns (my favourite), and the cutest pot holders you may have ever seen. I'm happy to say I sold all of my stock, except for 2 lonely jars. Not too worry, I won't let these jars go to waste, I have plans to use both (yep, both. You'd think I'd be sick of the stuff by now, you'd be wrong.) Oh, bowl of oatmeal you are about to taste delicious! I hope that all of my customers love the flavours as much as I do! It was a lot of work, more than I initially thought. My Kitchenaid food processor and I spent countless hours together. And with only 2 meltdowns (more like overheat downs) we made it through. Nut butter success!
Being at a Christmas market means one other thing...the chance to add to my ever expanding ornament collection! It's well known, I have a small obsession/strong desire to own every ornament ever made. I love collecting them. My ginormous tree is filled top to bottom with unique ones from past vacations, hand painted ones from friends, and family heirlooms and milestones. I've managed to collect so many, that I was able to get rid of all of the 'filler balls' leaving only the meaningful and special ones hanging. However, this past-time/part-time hobby of collecting, is now going to mean a 2nd Christmas tree in the 'S' household. Whoop, whoop. Nothing wrong with that. Bring it!
Merry Christmas!

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