Nana's Impossible Pie

one week today the kids will be back in school.  
can you believe it?  
where did summer go?  
so in order to squeeze in as many fun experiences as possible before it's back to pencils and books, today the kids got baking lessons from Nana. 
i have found memories of baking with my grandmas growing up and today my kids got to share in that same exciting experience with their nana. 
they made mountains of muffins, perfect for all the back-to-school lunches we will be packing, & nana's famous impossible pie.
pie = happy jen
dessert tonight for the win.  thanks nana!
the kids had such a great time learning from you and sharing in such a fun morning.  xo.


nana's impossible pie

4 eggs
1/2 cup margarine
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
1 cup sugar
1 cup coconut
2 teaspoon vanilla

preheat oven to 350F.
blend all ingredients together in blender.  pour into greased pie plate & bake for 1 hour.
let cool completely before serving.  refrigerate.


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